Bill's Vision

The Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club came into being in 2009 through the vision and enthusiasm of Bill Ewing, WA0KAQ.

Bill saw this club open to anyone who had an interest in Amateur Radio communications, not limited to those who already obtained a license. He added the idea that club leadership be restricted to licensed amateur radio operators because, "those with a license and the knowledge that comes with it are better prepared to contribute to the club's mission." The combination of licensed operators and persons wanting to learn about the hobby makes the club viable. One major club goal has been, and continues to be, to reach out and teach those interested in becoming licensed. To fulfill this vision we need to remind ourselves not to get caught up in too much in internal dynamics but to be of service to others and our community at large.

Regarding the internal dynamics of the club, Bill recognized that each member brings a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses to the club. He went on to say, ". . . [while] not everyone can do every task that needs to be done, each member will be expected to participate in club projects and activities to the best of their experience and abilities. Active, enthusiastic members are the building blocks of any organization, and each has knowledge and skills to contribute. In order for the club to succeed and for each person to enjoy the experiences the membership can bring, there will be many varied ways for members to contribute to the club's success." This recognizes the individuality of skills and ways of thinking inherent in our organization and encourages us to work together for the good of the club.

He also recognized the need for accountability of club members and its leaders. He put it this way, "the responsibilities listed [in the constitution] are not strictly tied to the office-holder, nor are they the sole duties of the office-holders. Members are encouraged to take part in the official duties, as well as on other necessary duties pertinent to the operation of the team. Without active club leadership, the club will fail."

Due to Bill's initial leadership and the willing involvement of many people who are giving time and expertise, the club will continue to be a living, thriving force. We need to remember the success of the club is dependent on us supporting one another and reaching out to new people who will keep our growing spirit alive.

-2014 By-Laws Committee
Frank Dunn (KB0FD), Gary Maier (AD0HC), Lori Miner (AH6OS), Roger Stasiak (W0ROG)

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William E. Ewing, WA0KAQ